About us

Meet Olivia


Hey, I'm Olivia. I started Cultivate your Content to provide simple but effective strategic content support for purpose-led organisations.

I'm a Content Strategist and Coach with a passion to empower and educate others. I've worked with a number of incredible charities, including Royal Society of Arts and Marie Curie. I've also worked in content leadership roles with the Department for International Trade, NHS and Food Standards Agency.

I believe in working smart with your content, prioritising content based on evidence, removing road blocks in the workflow and using technology to automate and simplify content creation.

My background in tech means I bring a lot of experience spanning across numerous content management systems, SEO keyword research, content modelling, ecommerce and 3rd party integrations. 

Sustainable Content Strategy

We support charities, arts organisations and green businesses to plan, create and distribute engaging content that connects with your audience.

We deliver content workshops, content strategy projects and monthly content strategy expertise to help busy content teams to navigate new website projects, digital transformation programmes, content design challenges, and underperforming content areas.

What does content strategy actually mean?

Casting some light on some of the areas we look at.

Desk research

Collating evidence from previous research, Google Analytics, Sitebulb and social media dashboards to identify user behaviour. We also compare how you're doing things to competitor and comparator organisations.


The research will help to inform strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to your content offering. We'll also join up to determine what good looks like for your content at it's best.

Content audit

Whether you need a content audit framework for your team to hit the ground running with. Or you need some help doing the heavy lifting with the audit itself, we can help you to get visibility on what to keep, to optimise or to archive.

Messaging and tone of voice

What you say and how you say it is a really important part of our strategic thinking and helps with writing consistently across multiple platforms. We run creative workshops with key people in your team to help explore new ways of thinking when it comes to the substance of your content.

Structure and organisation

Looking at the way content is organised in your Information Architecture but also thinking about your content model. Understanding how everything is connected will help you to re-use and signpost content effectively.

Content design

Content design is the way we read content online, it is incredibly important but it can't be done single-handedly by a content strategist, we'd expect to work alongside user researchers, designers and developers to ensure the website is content-led where possible.

Who we've worked with


Delivery principles

Decisions around content need to come from evidence and data around current performance, we soak up as much user research as we can and try to get qualitative and quantitative data to help form hypotheses which we can test.

When we say user-centred, we not only think about your target audience but also the users working on your organisation’s content management system. Bringing content back to user needs and user journeys is a great way to focus the mind when structuring and organising content. 

Yes, we can create you a content strategy but without involvement from you and your team, it’ll be hard to truly create something that you can deliver against. That’s why we’ll need time and commitment from you to participate in workshops or to roll up our sleeves and do some of the doing.

what's important

Our values


Sustainable work practices for content teams. But also, sustainable in terms of creating lean content that reduces your website's carbon footprint.


Not only doing things well but doing what we think is right for our clients. We'll tell you like it is and we'll also flag up if there are things you can do to help build capabilities in-house.


Complexity kills creativity. It's much more effective to start simple, launch a thing and test with real world audiences and we believe this is a key part to our strategic thinking.

Get in contact

Book in a free rapport call to discuss your project or challenge, and we can share how we work and investment.

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